
(Lessons in Freedom and Empowerment)

With Dr. Erika Evans

Not your typical therapy.

Not your typical therapist.

  • Trans friendly

    Trans Friendly

    The world can sometimes be a lonely - and dangerous - place for trans folks. Dr. Erika has extensive experience helping people work through identity, sexual orientation, gender expression, and more. No judgment, only love and care.

  • Sex Positive

    Sex Positive

    In a world where ultra-conservative “values” are constantly being pushed onto us, it’s important that your therapist is sex positive - and that’s what you get with Dr. Erika. In addition to maintaining a boutique private practice, Dr. Erika has held a full-time faculty position in the Center for Human Sexuality Studies Graduate program at Widener University.

  • Experienced


    Dr. Erika Evans, LMFT has been a practicing marriage and family therapist since 2005. She holds a PhD in Human Sexuality Studies from Widener University, in addition to Masters’ Degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy (La Salle University) and Human Sexuality Education (Widener University). Her license is also in Marriage and Family Therapy.

About Erika Evans, LMFT

Dr. Erika Evans, LMFT has been a practicing marriage and family therapist since 2005. She holds a PhD in Human Sexuality Studies from Widener University, in addition to Masters’ Degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy (La Salle University) and Human Sexuality Education (Widener University). Her license is also in Marriage and Family Therapy.

In addition to maintaining a boutique private practice, Dr. Erika has held a full-time faculty position in the Center for Human Sexuality Studies Graduate program at Widener University. She also supports the development of burgeoning Marriage and Family Therapists as an Adjunct Professor at La Salle University.  Dr. Erika has served for many years on the board of the Pennsylvania Association of Marriage and Family Therapists as the Director for Montgomery County and she has acted as a consultant for the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Board.

Therapy Services

Every individual holds a wealth of personal potential, but to tap into that we sometimes need support, encouragement and authenticity in the environment to help it shine though.  L.I.F.E (Lessons in Freedom and Empowerment) is Dr. Erika Evans’ therapeutic space where she helps her clients gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the relationships they hold, while uncovering what it means to live their best life. Dr. Erika founded L.I.F.E (Lessons in Freedom and Empowerment) because she sees the potential in each individual to change their lives for the better.

Dr. Erika believes that each person and each problem is unique and that a “one size fits all” approach to therapy simply doesn’t work.  She approaches her therapeutic work by really getting to know her clients, so that she can gain a clear understanding of their concerns, and work together to create a treatment plan that meets the goals and needs of her clients.  While the treatment approach may vary, clients can always expect the same warmth, respect, openness and genuineness from Dr. Erika. She is committed to providing an affirming safe space that helps clients in their journey of identifying their most pressing concerns and life challenges in order to achieve emotional and relational wellness.

Dr. Erika works with a wide variety of individuals, couples, and families from all backgrounds.  This includes providing individual, couples and family therapy for people of diverse sexual orientations (LGBQ), gender identities (transgender and non-binary), relationship systems (polyamorous, open and kink).